Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Its been a while...

Well its been quite a while since my last post. Things got busy after Lilian's birthday with Adam's grandfather passing away on Veteran's day and the holidays. We flew back to VA for the service and stayed for about a week. We got back the week of Thanksgiving and of course I work retail, so naturally that week kicked off the holiday craziness. I pulled a 12 1/2 hour shift on Black Friday (we left the store at 4 a.m. and weren't even halfway finished cleaning up the mess). We had a decent Christmas, I think this year was the first year Adam and I both were able to afford gifts for each other...without opening a credit card for it lol. We've been working on paying things off so we had a few bucks to spare and I had a few checks with a little bit of overtime or holiday pay on them. So that was nice. Lilian got a TON of clothes and some games. She got a MobiGo and some games for it. MobiGo is made by Vtech and is just a little game system (I guess like a Nintendo DS) and she loves it. She's learned so much already from just the few weeks she's had it. It is recommended for ages 3-8 with different games for different age groups. We bought her a Disney Princess and a Chuggington game that are both ages 3-5 and a Disney Fairies one that is for 4-6. Each game cartridge has different games on it to teach different things and I've just been amazed how much she has mastered. She plays it a LOT more than she probably should, but she's learning so I just her be. I can even plug it into my computer and check her learning progress and download other games. Definitely a good investment. And it keeps her entertained when we go places, like the grocery store, where she normally gets bored really quick and starts driving me crazy lol.

New Years was ok...I was lucky and got the whole weekend off but we didn't have any plans and didn't make any. Normally I'm sick in some way or another for New Years. I blame Adam for that one. Our first New Year together I was an anti-biotic for an ear infection (well to prevent one, I had pressure build up in my ear...I couldn't get it to pop and the night before I decided to go to the Dr for it, I was laying down on a warm wash cloth and I felt something wet...there were two tiny specks of blood  so we went to the ER. Of course they didn't see anything and just said the pressure probably popped a little hole and put me on the meds as a preventative measure) so I couldn't drink/really party. And then I woke up New Year's day with pink eye...on the same side of my head as the bad ear, fabulous right? The year after that Adam was in Iraq and I was perfectly healthy (this was after Lilian was born). The next year Adam and I both had REALLY bad food poisoning. That was fun...then last year I was still recovering from my tonsillectomy. So I like to joke Adam brought a New Years curse with him...but this year I was fine and healthy, just no plans. I'd like to think the curse is broken but we'll see about the next one.

This was also the first New Year I made a resolution. I never made them before because I know myself well enough to know I wouldn't keep them. But this year is different. After my struggle with sleeping issues and possible anxiety/depression problems through 2011, I want to be healthier. So I planned on working out this year. Then my dear friend Angie got engaged...she lives in Hawaii so guess where her August 12th wedding will be? Perfect motivation to keep me going. I did so good the first week. I went New Years day to the gym on post and just did some cardio. I HATE lifting weights so I figured I would just hit the gym for cardio (I also hate to just run...need some bikes and elipticals!) and I try to go a few times a week. When I can't go, I try to work out at home. I found a few youtube videos for some cardio at home workouts that kicked my butt. Then I decided to get started on my abs and downloaded Jillian Michael's 6 Week 6-pack. And she really kicks my butt. I'm wondering though if I even do the exercises right, I feel the burn everywhere but my abs...I guess we'll see. Now I'm no where near needing to lose weight. Actually I want to GAIN weight. I'm 25 and 5'1 and 98lbs...My goal is to reach at least 110 so I can start to donate blood. Seriously. I want to be able to donate blood. When we were home in WA this summer, hurricane Irene was threatening the East Coast. There was a blood drive in the little town of Ridgefield where Adam, my dad and my grandmother all donated (a family affair!) and there I stood, completely helpless. So that's my number goal. But in all honesty, if I tone myself and I'm happy with my appearance, I don't care what the scale says. I don't even own a scale, I get weighed at my dr appts and that's it. I'm not fat, but all my weight comes from what little fat I do have. I'm a skin and bones kind of girl with a good chunk of my body fat hanging out in my lower abdomin. Good-bye flab, hello fab is my main goal! I'm sure I'll get there, I have noticed a HUGE difference in my energy levels when I'm doing some sort of work out, even if its just an hour of cardio at the gym.

So that's life at the moment. Adam has one year left on his military contract and he's still up in the air about what to do. First he was just going to re-enlist and choose his duty station...it was a toss up between Fort Bragg (near his family) and Fort Lewis (near mine). He was leaning more towards Lewis so I was getting excited, then he drops the bomb on me last night that he might do this civilian contracting job FOR the military. It pays REALLY good I guess, but that means we'd stay in El Paso for a while longer. I'm used to it here now so I guess it wouldn't be THAT bad. I can see myself going up the chain with Old Navy so it wouldn't be completely horrible to stay. He has until right after we get back from Hawaii to re-enlist before his window closes, so I guess we'll see what happens between now and then.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

3 years

On Saturday, November 5th, Lilian turned 3....where did the time go?? Time just seems to fly once you have kids. It seems like just yesterday she was born and now she is a walking, talking, fully potty-trained little girl. Her speech has improved so much since she had tubes put in her ears back in May, but there is still sooo much coming out of her mouth that we don't understand. Her well-baby/child check up isn't until the 18th and I think I'm going to bring it up to the dr and see about maybe a speech therapist for her. I know she'll get there eventually, but I think it could be a good thing for her. I think it can also help with her concentration if we have someone who is trained to work with her on something for periods of time actually working with her on something. For her birthday she got her first two board games. Candyland and an ABC board game. We've played both and it was hard for her to focus on such short games. Candyland was easier for her to focus on since she knows more colors than letters but I find myself getting more irritated than I should when I have to tell her several times to sit back down, quit messing with the board, and to stop moving the player pieces around...I know she is only 3 but Candyland only took us 10 minutes to play and she couldn't sit still through that. But right now she is playing with her Cinderella castle she got, and has been for a while now. I know she's got the attention span to sit through things. We went and saw Puss in Boots last night and she didn't get up from her seat once. I just don't want this issue with focusing on something that is teaching her to become a problem later in life when she starts school.


I also think now is a good time to start for baby number 2. Well not right this second, we have some bills we'd like to pay off first, but the age gap that would be between Lili and her little brother/sister is ideal for me. I've had baby fever for a while, but I think its in full swing now. But I always told myself I want a few year age gap. My brother and I are 23 months apart to the day (almost to the hour lol) and all we ever did and still do a lot is fight. I look at my step-sister and step-brother, and there is about a 5 year age gap and they get along great. I know not all siblings would fight like my brother and I did, but it just put a bad taste in my mouth for close age gaps like that. 3 is good I think...I'm hoping to get most of our bills paid off with tax return next year so by the time we actually start trying and conceive, Lili will be around 4 years old when a baby gets here. I also told my self I'd never want two babies in diapers at the same time....Lili hasn't worn a diaper since May so we'll have had a good break by the time we have another. We are also trying to PCS again around February, so I'd like to wait until after that stress is over to try again, but the fever is just burning too bad. If I can handle my husband leaving and moving across the country when I was pregnant with Lili, I can handle just a move. I think the stress of moving would be less than the stress of staying here. I love my job and the people I work with, but that's the only good thing about El Paso for me. So we'll see.  But here's to hoping for a late 2012/early 2013 baby!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

New Blog

I had to start a new, fresh blog. The email I registered with was just confusing. It was a yahoo email that was being used to sign into google with. I kept forgetting the password and having to reset it and it just got old. So here I am with a new blogging account. Lets see if I can keep up with this one.

Currently, I am waiting on a referral to a cardiologist. 2 weeks back when I was on my  lunch at work, I started having heart palpitations. I had them once before a few months ago (again while I was at work). I could feel my heart start to pound in my chest (like the pounding you get with the adrenaline rush of riding a roller coaster or when something scares you) and in my neck. The first time it didn't really hurt and only lasted 5-10 minutes. I was just standing at the registers, talking with a customer when it started. It worried me a little, but I decided to see if it would happen again before really worrying. Well the second time started after I had just finished my lunch and was sitting at the table in the break room. My heart was beating so hard I could see the name tag on my shirt bounce and feel my racing pulse in my neck. Sometimes it did hurt a little so I said to myself I will make an appointment the next day. Well 40 minutes later, it was still going on so I left work early and headed straight to the closest ER. Of course by the time they got me back (which was 1 hour after the palpitations had started, but maybe 10 minutes after I checked in) they stopped. The nurse still hooked me up to an EKG and that came out fine. Long story short, everything looked fine to them and I just told them I will make a follow up with my primary doctor. I went this last Tuesday and it could be a number of things. She ran a few tests to check on somethings, I'm probably calling tomorrow just to be sure they all came back ok (with military healthcare, its a "no news is good news" deal, but I've had friends who's tests came back with something positive and they were never informed until they went in for something else). I'm thinking its part of the anxiety they say I might have (should probably get a diagnosis on that). She gave me the referral to cardiology and I'm going to meet with them just to make sure there isn't anything physically wrong with me before I move on to the mental issues.

In other news, in just 13 days my baby girl will be 3...THREE?!? Agh where has the time gone? Money is a stressful issue at the moment, I've had a few mental breakdowns about not being able to buy her more presents. But she is getting a power wheels car from Adam's parents and I'm finally giving her the polly pocket type castle I bought at Disney World for her a few years ago. I'm hoping to pick up a few more clothes for her (just went through all her drawers and closet and this girl is down to the bare minimums now), but I know she'll get some from my parents. No big party this year, she doesn't really have any little friends. She goes to day care (which she absolutely LOVES now) but she's in hourly so its not always the same kids since its as needed for the parents.  Adam is planning on re-enlisting again so we can move to a new duty station, hopefully once we get settled, I'll find some play groups or something for her. Sports and lessons will be a good start. I plan on starting her in soccer and maybe a dance or gymnastics class after her birthday. We'll see how that goes though.